26 July 2015
Lat/Long: 43.7417966058563, -103.65444269046
Location: Custer, SD - KOA
Electric Hook Up: Yes
Water Hook Up: Yes
Sewer Hook Up: YES!
WiFi: Yes
Bathroom: 10+ yard walk
Shower: Yes
Site: 41

After doing a "three-wolf moon" pack up from Angostura we drove about an hour north to Custer. I always enjoy Custer, not sure why - think it has a lot to do with the rock formations and abundance of green things. Reminds us of Colorado a lot. Our campsite was actually pretty sweet. Butted up to another campground we've stayed at before - but was quiet and pretty spacious for a KOA. The site next to us was unusable, so we were able to use it as additional parking - the people behind us were RIGHT up on us - that was a little annoying, but otherwise a very enjoyable stay.
Our buddies were in town as they attend a balloon rally up there every year. We've gone out and helped each time we can (twice so far since I've been stationed here). This year he surprised us - put us both in the basket. It was absolutely awesome! I haven't flown in about 10 years so it was fantastic. Karon has never flown so it was so much fun to watch her reactions to all of it.

Facilities were really nice - staff was OVER HELPFUL. I got an unwarrented and unneeded tutorial about how when I turn my wheel the trailer will go this way and when I turn the other way it will go this way.....THANK YOU BOBBY - GO AWAY NOW. Karon and I got a good laugh out of it as he told me to pull forward at one point and "try again hun." I told him - "I think I got this, I'm gonna keep going - MOVE!" And I of course landed it on a dime. Anyway, showers were clean, camp was clean - will DEFINITELY go back!
Thanks to Karon we ate well - par course for traveling with a chef. Can't complain a bit. We did have to purchase some ketchup from the little on-site store, little expensive--but no complaints-I love me some ketchup!
Happy camping!
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