18-21 July 2016
Lat/Long: 43.760274, -103.4
Location: Game Lodge Campground, Custer SD
Electric Hook Up: Yes
Water Hook Up: No, Water fill up in the middle of camp ground
Sewer Hook Up: No, but located also in the middle of camp ground
WiFi: No
Bathroom: 50+ yard walk
Shower: Yes
Site: 11E
We took a much needed break from life and escaped to Custer for more then a weekend. Stayed Monday night thru Thursday morning. We have an added bonus as Friday afternoon we'll check back into Sheps Canyon for the weekend with friends.

The campsite is wonderful. Plain and simple. Something I've always enjoyed when we are out is meeting people. Tuesday a BIG, by big I mean GI-NORMICA RV backed into the site next to us. Thing was huge. Really nice family of 5 gets out. I joked with him that he should have gotten the bigger one. I could tell he was confused by my comment and after talking with him he explained they were from the Netherlands., english was "so-so." They came to see the States via RV. I drove him down to the store to get eggs and bacon Tuesday night as their only mode of movement was via "big birtha". Was just really nice to meet and talk with them. They brought us fresh made brownies that I'm sure the bakery located within their RV whipped up.

We canoed on Tuesday at Stockade. Had a great time exploring. Wednesday we just went an sat on the beach as it was close to 100 degrees, so touching the lava hot canoe to get off and on seemed like a bummer and we know we'll get lots of time in this weekend at Angostura.
Karon has been cooking all the wonderfuls. We had steak, have had breakfast burritos, cooked hotdogs on fires. Just a freaking awesome week. We'll take one night off and stay at the house, play a game or two on our downtown league and then head back out.
Happy Camping Campers.